We strive to provide the highest level of quality throughout our projects. In addition to our commitment to the international environmental and safety standards. To show our commitment, SIT Arabian worked relentlessly to be certified by a third-party and validate its professional practices. We at SIT Arabian, understand the significance of continuous development in every aspect of our business to fulfill our clients’ ambitious requirements. During our business operations, we are committed to preserve the safety of all stakeholders including our team and community.


Trusted QA/QC Service Business Agency


20 years of experience


Support any time 24/7


Take our job seriously

Our practices aim towards lowering waste and minimizing depreciation to minimize our impact on the environment. We have successfully achieved our goal through the application of the best international standards in our field. Such as our ISO for Environmental Management System, and Occupational


SIT Arabian policy has been conventional on the basis that concern for the Health and Safety of our employees and guardianship of the environment are essential to the successful conduct and future growth of our business as well as being in the interest of our customers. Our certified professional in Health, Safety & Environment conducts various training programs to get trained of all the employees after induction. SIT Arabian is committed to provide a Safe and Healthy work place for all employees ensuring that the activities of our business are conducted in a manner that maximize protection and preservation of the environment.


SIT Arabian is Quality Assurance function shall be so organized as to be free from commercial and contractual restraints. It shall operate without let or hindrance from production department and shall represent SIT Arabian on all matters relating to Quality Assurance. Quality is enhanced by working in a systematic method of formalized procedures designated to eliminate the occurrence deficiencies. To promote uniformity of working methods throughout, procedures fundamental to SIT Arabian shall be implemented at all times without unauthorized deviation. In order to achieve the objective it is the policy of SIT Arabian conventional, plan and maintain an efficient Quality program, planned and developed in conjunction with other management functions.